
NASCAR will be Hosting Next Year Chicago Street Race Weekend

NASCAR Street Racing Track Agreement Has Been Made In Chicago

Chicago's Mayor announces Chicago Street Race Weekend For Upcoming Year. The New NASCAR street racecourse and temporary facilities are expected to be built within three weeks of the scheduled racing weekend event, which gives NASCAR a full month in advance, according to the agreement.

When Is The Chicago NASCAR Race?

NASCAR will host the upcoming Chicago NASCAR Race on Saturday, July 1 and Sunday, July 2 of 2023.

NASCAR Chicago Announcement

What is the insider scoop on the chicago street course of 2023?

The Chicago Street Race Weekend will begin in front of Buckingham Fountain and be used as a pit road for servicing the vehicles. Drivers are to drive along south to Balbo Drive and the NASCAR drivers will then go east on Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Lake Shore Drive.

NASCAR Chicago Street Race Weekend Drivers will drive by the lake and turn west on Roosevelt Road then make their way back north on Columbus Drive in a figure eight and head toward South Michigan Avenue for the start/finish line.

NASCAR Drivers will have full access to the racecourse area nine days prior to the event and three days afterward. For Folks in the City of Chicago Street Closures are expected to begin the week of June 26.

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